A man formerly employed by a Brewster, New York pharmacy has been convicted of stealing diabetic test strips over the course of two years and selling them in excess of $100,000 throughout the country, the Putnam County District Attorney’s office announced.

Aatif Khan was convicted of Grand Larceny in the second degree for his illegal actions that took place at the JNR Pharmacy in Brewster. Khan stole more than $100,000 worth of diabetic test strips from the pharmacy, and then sold them to various third parties throughout the country, whereby “he personally amassed substantial financial gain,” the DA’s office said.

Additionally, Khan was convicted of criminal tax fraud after it was discovered that he failed to report any of the income acquired from the sale of the stolen property.

According to District Attorney Robert Tendy, the case represents one of the largest asset forfeiture cases in the history of the jurisdiction. “The victim has been reimbursed for the loss his business suffered, and Mr. Khan has paid back all of the proceeds of this crime, and then some. In addition to the asset forfeiture we collected, he is on the hook for a significant sum of money in the form of unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest owed to the State of New York Department of Taxation and Finance for his felony tax fraud conviction,” Tendy said.

Khan is due to be sentenced on October 27.

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