Two young children were reunited with their families after being reported missing on Sunday.

The New York State Police says that they discovered two minors that were believed to be missing. A report of missing children came into the police barracks on Sunday and troopers with the assistance of the Village of Monroe Police Department began a search of the area.

Within hours the two children were found "several miles" away from their home in a public park. State Police released photos of the children being reunited with their family. Although the original photos are not blurred, we've chosen to protect the privacy of the minors by concealing their faces.

NY State Police
NY State Police

The children, still dressed in pajamas, were discovered in "good health" and appeared to be unharmed. A series of photos depicts an adult male approaching the children and finally embracing them.

Many people on social media had questions about the incident. Although they are children, some commented that the duo, especially the boy, appear to be old enough to know better than to wander off. Some were concerned about why they decided to secretly leave their guardians without even getting dressed out of their pajamas, especially since they were located so far from home.

Others wondered why the U.S. Airforce was "called in to assist with the search" because a fighter jet could be seen in one of the images.

NY State Police
NY State Police

That plane was not involved in locating the children. In fact, it's a permanent fixture in "Airplane Park" in the Village of Monroe. The Korean War airplane was renovated by The Cornerstone Masonic Historical Society and donated to the park in the 1960s as a memorial to those lost in the war. At one time a slide was attached to the plane for children to play on.

It's unclear if the park was the intended destination of the children or if they were just found in that vicinity. The good news is that they are safely back with their family thanks to the efforts of New York State Police, Captain Peter J. Cirigliano II and the Village of Monroe Police Department.

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