Businesses in East Nashville are both still recovering from the March 3 tornado that swept through the area and trying their best to weather coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic-related closures, and Kip Moore has stepped up to help. The country singer is offering some relief to those in need, and to some service industry members, via a favorite local restaurant.

On Friday (March 20), a post in a Facebook group for East Nashville residents explained that Moore had opened a $5,000 tab at the Wild Cow, a vegetarian-, vegan- and gluten-free-focused restaurant on Fatherland Street in East Nashville for use by those who were struggling financially. The post also reported that Moore had donated an additional $2,000 to the Wild Cow's staff, who were out of work during the tornado-related closure and are now dealing with changes in schedules due to the coronavirus.

A representative for Moore confirmed the validity of the Facebook post to The Boot. On Saturday (March 21), Moore tweeted, "For those in nashville that are 'truly' struggling w/ finance during this time, I teamed up w/ the Wild Cow to allow those in NEED a free meal. It’s a running tab till it’s gone. Just tell um it’s on Kip’s tab. Cheers."

Though the Wild Cow's building was not damaged in the tornado, the restaurant did lose power, meaning it was closed for several days after the storm. Still, a few days after the twister, the restaurant hosted a benefit event for High Garden, a nearby tea shop that was destroyed by the tornado. As of March 23, non-essential Nashville-area businesses are being asked to close for two weeks to help stop the spread of the virus, though restaurants can offer takeout and delivery during that time, as the Wild Cow is choosing to do.

According to the World Health Organization -- which declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic on March 11 -- over 335,000 cases of the disease and 14,634 deaths because of it have been reported globally as of March 22. In the United States, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been 15,291 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 201 deaths as of March 20.

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