Nicole Kidman, actor and wife of country star Keith Urban, recently shared a photo on social media of herself with the couple's two daughters. The image was captured before Kidman hit the red carpet for the Big Little Lies Season 2 premiere in New York City.

It's not exactly a "say cheese" moment for the girls, but it's better than nothing for the social media world as Kidman and Urban have kept their two daughters — 8-year-old Faith Margaret and 10-year-old Sunday Rose — out of the public eye. In the photo, Kidman is seen giving her daughters a loving hug with a caption that reads, "I am nothing without the love of my family." However, fans don't get a glimpse of the children's faces as Kidman is nestling them so close.

Kidman revealed in a recent interview with Vanity Fair that she tries to keep "some sort of boundaries" for the children and that neither have a phone or Instagram. Instead of being sidetracked by technology, the girls have focused on other skills such as practicing music: Faith plays violin and Sunday Rose plays piano. Sunday Rose has also expressed that she has an interest in acting.

“You can’t really get kids into anything I’ve realized," Kidman tells Vanity Fair. "You can push them a bit, but motivation is a really hard thing. I mean, nobody motivated me to be an actor; if anything they tried to deter me.”

Big Little Lies, which features Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, Lauren Dern and more, makes its season two debut on HBO on June 9.

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