The weird stuff left behind in this abandoned barn in Illinois must have some WILD stories to share.

Abandoned Illinois Buildings

I am 100 percent fascinated by looking at photos taken inside abandoned buildings and wondering what stories they could tell. The stuff people leave behind is so random, and often so creepy, that I can't stop looking for more.

If you love looking at photos of abandoned buildings in Illinois too, you need to check out the ILLINOIS Abandoned Images Facebook group. I must warn you though, this Facebook group has one major, unbreakable rule...YOU CANNOT SHARE THE SPECIFIC LOCATION OF ANY IMAGES POSTED. In fact, you can't even ASK where the buildings are located or you will be kicked out.

Now that you're aware that naming locations is a big no-no, you'll understand why I cannot disclose where in Illinois this creepy barn that I am about to show you is located.

Creepy Abandoned Party Barn in Illinois

A man named Jim Bartels posted these abandoned barn photos in the ILLINOIS Abandoned Images group and said, "Sooo strange. Never expected to find things like this. Almost didn’t go in because of the state it’s in but I’m glad I did."

So, without further adieu...what do you think happened in this abandoned Illinois barn?

Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook
Jim Bartels via Facebook

I'm pretty sure it's safe to say some raging, and slightly disturbing parties once took place within the walls of this old barn, (hello, stripper pole!), but why did they stop?

While we may never know the real answer to why this particular barn's party days are over, some comments on Jim Bartel's original post suggest this barn once served as a biker clubhouse. Could that club be the ones responsible for some of the disturbing graffiti, or was that done after they had hopped on their bikes and moved on?

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Need more creepy abandoned Illinois buildings to look at? Here are some good ones to get you started...

LOOK: Abandoned Home In Illinois Dubbed Death House For Good Reason

The history of this abandoned home is filled with death.


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