How to Get a Summer Job on a Hudson Valley Bridge Crew
Are you looking for a summer job where you can be outdoors, and no two consecutive days are the same? This is the time of year where you can apply for one of the most coveted jobs for teenagers in the Hudson Valley, the Mid-Hudson Bridge Crew.
How can you apply for the job and what might you be doing? Keep reading for all of that info, in the interim start looking for sunscreen and big refillable water bottles, because if you are hired, you'll probably need both.
What types of things will you be doing as a part of the Summer Bridge Crew?
Some of the jobs that you might be doing include maintenance, painting, administrative, etc. Essentially, if it needs doing, you might be asked to do it. There is an age restriction, you do need to be over the age of 18 to apply and also have a valid driver's license. The schedule will run Monday through Friday, with weekends off, May through August.
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How can you apply for one of these summer positions?
The best way to get started is to fill out the online application for employment. Here is the pdf application. Once you have it filled out, you need to email it to: hr@nysba.ny.gov.
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How many people are they hiring and what is your dollar per hour for the summer bridge crew?
Those are two great questions that you can ask in your pre-employment interview. Best of luck to you! Don't forget your water and the sunscreen!