In Touch: Lights, Camera, Action Against Elder Abuse
Each week on ‘In Touch’, our locally produced public affairs program, I have the pleasure of talking with individuals and organizations from all over the Hudson Valley. We focus on non-profit organizations and volunteers who are working hard to help make all of our communities better places to live, work, and raise our families.
This week, we talked about the upcoming conference Lights, Camera, Action Against Elder Abuse with Dana Pavelock, Vice-President Provider Relations at Evercare; Susan Davidson, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Friends of Seniors of Dutchess County; and Branka Bryan, Director of Advocacy Services at Grace Smith House.
The conference will be held on the 9th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 16 at the Poughkeepsie Elks Lodge #275 Overocker Road in Poughkeepsie and net proceeds will benefit The Center for Victim Safety and Support and Grace Smith House.
We talked about each organization, what elder abuse is and the importance of educating the public, it is truly hidden in plain sight. Without any further ado, here's this week's show. I learned a lot during our time in the studio. I hope this can help you, or someone you know.