The Golden Globes have a reputation as a kind of edgy awards ceremony. (Well, edgy by the standards of awards shows anyway.) But this year’s host, Jimmy Fallon, is about as edgy as a sphere, and his monologue lacked the bite of other previous hosts like Ricky Gervais. The only really funny moment of the night came during one of the awards presentations, when Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig took the stage to give out the Golden Globes for Best Animated Feature.

To introduce the award, they decided to share some of their favorite childhood memories of going to animated movies as kids. And then things got dark. Really dark.

You will never look at Fantasia the same way again.

Damn, Carell’s delivery through this whole thing is just amazing. The way he breaks down as he delivers the punchline. And then the way he says “What about you, what’s your favorite animated movie?” Wiig’s no slouch, either. Particularly when she gets to her big finale, “And I didn’t speak for two years.” Just incredible timing.

That bit was funnier than the entirety of Dirty Grandpa. Wiig and Carell have done stuff together (they both voice characters in the Despicable Me franchise, and they had a romantic subplot in Anchorman 2) but this clip made me think they really need a showcase to do something really dark together. Let’s make that happen in 2017, Hollywood. Or better yet: Just let them host the whole show next year, swapping stories about their horrific childhoods.

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