Frolic Friday: In Labor
It's the official start to your holiday weekend!
Every Friday on the CJ in the morning show, Jess and I frolic into the weekend like two idiots and this week we celebrate Jess' birthday with a "Labor" intensive Frolic. See what I did there? Labor Day weekend...anyway get ready for a very LOUD frolic....
Happy birthday JESS!!!!
If you are having a tough day today, maybe work is to much, the kids won't cooperate, what ever is going on today will all be better if you loin us in a frolic.
Go ahead, drop your arms to your sides, point your hands out and start frolicking around. I promise it’ll make you feel better for at least a few seconds.
Jess and I are off on Monday and will be back on Tuesday (Jess will be here, I'm off til Wednesday) with a chance for you to win some cool prizes and we will do a special mid week "3 Things from the weekend".