I promise we're not behind on the times. We just have so many social media apps to keep track of, some of them get lost in the shuffle. Instagram, we're sorry we have forgotten about you for so long, but we're ready to keep you shiny and up to date.

If you haven't already, follow us on Instagram. 


CJ and I will be keeping you in the loop with everything that's going on behind the scenes here at The Wolf. You'll be seeing us out an about a lot this summer, so if you see us at Taste of Country, Bethel or even the Dutchess County Fair make sure to snap a picture with us and The Wolf and then hashtag it #WolfCountry. Who know's it could lead you to some awesome prizes too.

If you'd like, you can follow us here too:

Snapchat: CJ: CJinthemorning1
Jess: Missjbo


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