What if our children knew were our local farms were and how important they are? What if school lunches had access to locally grown produce on a regular basis? What if all of this could help us, and our children, eat better and lead healthier lives?

That's one of the hopes of the Farm-To-School program in New York and today our Governor announced $1 million dollars to help fund it. These monies would be available to eligible school districts for children in Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Elementary Pupils Enjoying Healthy Lunch In Cafeteria

The program would encourage and enable connections to be made between local farms and the students, increase the use of locally frown foods on school menus, and improve our students' health.

Since the launch of this program in 2015, there have been 13 Farm-to-Table projects that have helped over 100 school districts throughout the state. Eligible applicants include any school or organizations who participate in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, or the Summer Food Service Program.

Proposals are due by November 3, 2017 by 4 pm. For more information on this program and details needed to apply, click here.

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