We all know that there are some hazardous roads in and around the Hudson Valley, but did you know the most dangerous highway in America goes right through New York?

Recently, The Zebra compiled a list of the most dangerous roads and highways in the country. The list includes ten highways that have a terrifying number of fatalities every year.

Here in the Hudson Valley, there are some roads that have a reputation for being dangerous. I-84, the Taconic Parkway, Route 17, the New York State Thruway and other local highways are the site of numerous accidents every week. Yes, these roads can be dangerous, but are they the deadliest in America?

In order to determine which U.S. roads are the worst, the latest NHTSA  data was compiled to determine the number of motor vehicle deaths per 100 miles for each highway across the nation. Interestingly, it was discovered that six out of the 10 roads ran north/south while just four ran east/west.

Google Maps
Google Maps

It turns out that the deadliest road in America is I-95. In fact, the particular stretch that Hudson Valley drivers would frequent is listed as the most dangerous section of this deadly road.

Stretching from Florida to Maine, I-95 leads the nation in fatal accidents. What's worse is that the Northeast area that goes through New York is responsible for a majority of those deadly incidents thanks to slippery winter weather. The southern-most stretch just outside of Orlando is also a particularly dangerous section of the road.

Statistics show that in 2019 there were 14.88 fatalities for every 100 miles of road, with 284 deaths reported on I-95 in just one year. This is almost 80 more deaths than the second-deadliest road; I-20.

Sadly, it appears that things are only getting more dangerous. While this data is from 2019, statistics show that there was a 7.2% increase in traffic deaths in 2020, which means that I-95 is most likely getting deadlier. With this information in hand, it's important to always use caution, especially as we head into the winter driving season.

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