A no-knock search warrant led to Hudson Valley officials finding a host of "dangerous drugs." However, the man arrested is free due to "bail reform."

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler and City of Port Jervis Police Chief William Worden announced that Tyree Brown, 27, of Port Jervis, was arrested and charged with two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree, a class B felony.

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler and City of Port Jervis Police Chief William Worden Announce Drug Arrest

Don Bayley/ThinkStock

On Friday, around 2:10 p.m., police officers from the City of Port Jervis Police Department, the Special Operations Group of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, and the Orange County Drug Task Force executed a judicially authorized “no-knock” search warrant at a home in the City of Port Jervis.

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“The drug trade negatively impacts not only the drug addicted themselves, but their families, friends, co-workers, and community at large," Worden said. “We continue in our unwavering commitment to rid our community of dangerous drugs by focusing our enforcement efforts on those who bring these drugs into our city and profit from their sale to a vulnerable, drug-addicted population.”

Officials found Brown inside along with 29 grams of crack cocaine, drug packing materials and scales typically used in narcotics trafficking, officials say.


“It takes the coordinated efforts of law enforcement to root out narcotics trafficking in our community,” Hoovler said. “Dangerous drugs hurt individuals, hurt families and in turn hurt communities."

The warrant was the result of a months-long investigation into the sale of narcotics in and around the City of Port Jervis.

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Brown was arraigned and released on his own recognizance because the charges he faces are not eligible for bail, officials note.

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"In 2019, 'bail reform' legislation was enacted that severely limits the courts’ ability to set bail for offenses involving narcotics possession or sale. In narcotics sweeps in Orange County prior to the legislation, some bail was set by the court for almost all defendants charged with selling narcotics," the Orange County DA's office stated in a press release.

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