It's official, a delicious burger created in the Hudson Valley is still one of the best made in New York State.

On Monday, four New York State restaurants traveled to Onondaga Community College in Syracuse to compete in the final face-off cook-off to figure out the winner of the New York Beef Council's Best New York Burger contest.

Ben's Fresh In Port Jervis Makes Final Four

Ben's Fresh

For the third straight year, the "Benny Burger" from Ben's Fresh in Port Jervis, New York was named one of the four finalists.

Port Jervis, New York Restaurant In Running For New York States' Best Burger

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Burgers From Rochester, Niagara Falls, Syracuse, Orange County, New York Made Final Four

Ben's Fresh competed in the cook-off with restaurants from Rochester, Niagara Falls and Syracuse.

Below is the Final Four:

Tap it Bar and Grill, Rochester, "Aftermath Burger"

Rock Burger, Niagara Falls, "716 Burger"

Ben's Fresh, Port Jervis, "Benny Burger"

Ale & Angus Pub, Syracuse, "Bacon Grilled Cheeseburger"

New York Beef Council
New York Beef Council

Port Jervis Restaurant Finished In Top 3

For the third straight year, the Benny Burger from Ben's Fresch placed in the top three.

"Congratulations to all of the finalists. The competition was very close. It was only won by a difference of a couple points," Ben's Fresh wrote on Facebook.

The Benny Burger placed third. Ben's Fresh owner, Bobby Geraghty, thanked the residents of the Hudson Valley for helping the Benny Burger make the final four.

"At the end of day, we really feel like this competition wasn’t won in Syracuse. It was won here in the hearts of Port Jervis and the entire Hudson Valley," We know that no other restaurant in this competition had brought the enthusiasm and power in numbers that you all had continually brought by voting for us!!! It was absolutely overwhelming!!

The Benny Burger also received some high praise from one of the judges. Charlie Miller, a Syracuse-based food critic, asked Geraghty about his special Benny Sauce recipe.

Best New York Burger Is From Syracuse

New York Beef Council
New York Beef Council

The 2023 Best NY Burger Winner is Syracuse’s Ale `n Angus Pub, with their "Bacon Grilled Cheeseburger"

Read More: Fact Check: Is Trader Joe’s Opening New Store In Mid-Hudson Valley?

Below is the list of the Top 10 burgers made in New York State.

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