April the Giraffe Reunites Military Family
A huge Hudson Valley celebrity took some time to help reunite a military family.
Okay, so she's huge in the fact that she's really, really tall.
April the Giraffe, previously of the Catskill Game Farm, found fame earlier this year when she was set to give birth at the Animal Adventure Park in upstate New York. We all were on the edge of our seats for weeks at a time waiting for April to give birth and were thrilled when she finally completed her little giraffe family.
Now it was Aprils turn to make another family complete.
Inside Edition is reporting that a family had contacted Animal Adventure Park to reunite a father and his two children after a 9-month deployment. Sgt. George hid in Aprils cage and slowly approached his family as they were meeting with April.
In the video above you can see April poke her head up when Sgt. George makes his grand entrance.
Nicely done, April & Animal Adventure Park.
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