5 Posters Every 40+ Year Old Guy Had as a Kid
Did the posters you had in your room make my list?
We got talking on the Wakin' Up with CJ & Jess the other day about how our rooms looked when we were younger. Posters were a big thing when I was a kid and I always took pride in the posters I chose to hang up. In my house my mom gave me the go ahead to hang up whatever I wanted, she only had one rule. I couldn't hang up any "sexy" women posters. Her words, not mine...LOL!
Did your parents let you hang posters in your room? If they did and you grew up in the early 80's, the odds say you probably had one or two of these taped or stapled to your wall. For any kids reading this, if you plan to hang things up today, PLEASE use the command strips, not nails, tacks or tape, your parents will thank you.
Here are the five posters most guys my age had hanging in all their glory.