You Could Be MATILDA On Stage
I am a big fan of theater because I've done it both local community and professionally and I have to say, if you have even the slightest desire, interest or even have thought about what it would be like or if you could do it, I encourage you to give it a try because you never know.
Auditions for Roald Dahl's MATILDA will be October 16th & 17th for the Little Radicals Theatrics with call backs to happen on Saturday, October 19th.
They ask that you make an appointment for an audition by emailing them at LITTLERADICALTHEATRICS@GMAIL.COM with a prefered day and time.
Since this is a musical, please have 32 bars of a song in the style of the show, sheet music in the correct key, a headshot and resume.
Performances for the show are January 17-19.
Full details and additional audition info can be found HERE
And don't worry if you can't sing, there are plenty of rolls for you to try out for.