You Can Get Paid To Adopt A Wild Horse
If you have ever wanted to own a horse, now is your chance.
A Federal Program will pay you up to $1.000 to adopt an untrained horse or burro.
The goal in this is to provide a home for the horses and prevent over population.
If you choose to be a wild horse adopter, you will be paid $500 within 60 days of the adoption and another $500 within 60 days of obtaining the title for it.
There are an astounding 50,000 homeless, wild horses that are being cared for by the government.
If you would like more info, you can go HERE.
I can remember as a little boy how cool I thought it would be to have a horse of my own. I didn't really want to do the work to have one but I wanted to ride it. I mostly wanted to ride it to school.
I would still love to own one and would be happy to do the work involved but I'm pretty sure that living in an apartment, owning a horse would be frowned upon.