It is Oscar season and once again I need to go on record that I haven't seen most of the nominated films. I tend to gravitate towards movies that usually don't make the Hollywood "A" list. I always watch the Oscar Show, but that is more for the who's who of it then the actual films.

I think that there are movies made specifically for the Oscar run and then there are all the "other" films. The "just as good" but don't need an award films. Just this past week thanks to one of my favorite magazines "Cowboys and Indians" I discovered one of these such films and yes, Cowboy and Indians it is a real magazine.

I had no idea that Kiefer Sutherland and his dad, Donald had collaborated on a new film due out in theaters next month. It is called "Forsaken". It is a classic western and also happens to also star Demi Moore. Check out the trailer

I haven't been this excited about a western since Sharon Stone's 1994 "The Quick and The Dead". It was a who's who of 90's Hollywood for sure. Check a young Leo D.

And of course If you are my age you may remember Kiefer was one of the original "Young Guns", also an awesome movie with a western theme.

So grab your boots and some popcorn because "Forsaken" is due out on February 19th and is going to be worth saddling up to watch. I'd give it "Best Western" on Oscar night but they don't have that category .... yet.

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