Next Tuesday night all the ladies will be at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel for the Crunch Fitness What Women Want event, do you have your VIP tickets yet?
You'll have plenty of other evenings to sit at home picking up after your kids or your husband and only having thirty minutes to yourself before it's time to go to bed.
The attendees at What Women Want 2014 got in on the Zumba action at the Grandview last month.
The trainers at Crunch Fitness led an energetic group of ladies in a Zumba demonstration during the event.
What Women Want is the spring’s hottest women’s expo, combining the very best in beauty, shopping, cooking, fitness, technology, education and more...
It's the middle of the week and you could do that same boring thing you do every Wednesday night, cook & clean, make your next to-do-list, and feel completely taken for granted by everyone who lives in your house...or you could come out tonight to The Crunch Fitness What Women Want at the Grandview in Poughkeepsie until 9pm!