Monroe Firefighters to Guest Bartending at Popular Hudson Valley Monroe Firefighters to Guest Bartending at Popular Hudson Valley Come out to support Orange County firefighters and their special bartending guests.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Firefighters Thanked for Work on Fire in Denning New YorkFirefighters Thanked for Work on Fire in Denning New YorkThe Whitehouse fire was contained on November 14th and Ulster County wants to thanks all that helped.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Orange County Issues Update On Fire Progress In New YorkOrange County Issues Update On Fire Progress In New YorkCrews on burnout operations and water drops are helping hold the lines of a fire that is still not mostly contained that is burning in Sterling Forest.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
New York Fire That Killed Park Ranger Now Causing EvacuationsNew York Fire That Killed Park Ranger Now Causing EvacuationsSterling Forest Fire which took the life of Dariel Vasquez continues to grow and now has some residence preparing to evacuate.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Wild Fire Spreads Closer to Greenwood Lake New YorkWild Fire Spreads Closer to Greenwood Lake New YorkThe fires continue to grow Saturday as they burn closer to homes and spread due to weather conditions.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Fire Department Called To Rescue Cow From Ditch New YorkFire Department Called To Rescue Cow From Ditch New YorkYou can count on Hudson Valley Fire Departments for a lot of things including animal rescues.Paty QuynPaty Quyn