Is Daylight Saving Time About to Get Canceled in New York?Is Daylight Saving Time About to Get Canceled in New York?When we fall back this weekend, will it be the last time New Yorkers have to change their clocks?MeganMegan
The Number One Reason You are Tired this WeekThe Number One Reason You are Tired this WeekPeople in the Hudson Valley are tired this week and I think I know why.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Five Things That Will Happen Before Spring Arrives to the Hudson ValleyFive Things That Will Happen Before Spring Arrives to the Hudson ValleyPancakes, Paddy, and more, all things happening in the Hudson Valley before we get to welcome Spring 2017 officially on March 20th.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
I Got My Hour Back But Didn’t Get to Keep ItI Got My Hour Back But Didn’t Get to Keep ItDo you have an outdated smart clock in your house? I do so guess what happen at my house this past SundayPaty QuynPaty Quyn
Ready, Set, Spring Ahead SundayReady, Set, Spring Ahead SundayIt came before the birds and the nice weather. But it signals spring is on the way.Paty QuynPaty Quyn