As predicted, parts of the Hudson Valley really did see snow over the weekend.

On Friday, Hudson Valley Weather snapped most of us back to reality with a forecast the had the dreaded four letter word, snow, in it.

Just a few days after temperatures were near 80 degrees in the local area, Hudson Valley Weather reported there were models that showed the first snow-flakes of the fall falling in the northern parts of the Hudson Valley on Saturday.

Early Saturday morning, Hudson Valley Weather announced their radar showed snow in the higher peaks in the upper Hudson Valley.

"Well, we alluded to the possibility of flakes flying in the higher elevations this morning and we are now seeing radar indicated snow across the high peaks," Hudson Valley Weather wrote on Facebook.

The website didn't go into details about exactly where snow fell, only posting this photo.

It's unclear how much snow actually fell. I'm no weatherman, but I assume the ground was too warm for snow to stick anyway. But, the cold reality is, it's official, "Winter is Coming."

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