Google Maps caught a Hudson Valley Driver at just the right (or wrong) moment.

Every few years Google sends out their Street View vehicles to photograph buildings and landmarks on every street in the Hudson Valley. The photos are stitched together to give the user an interactive, virtual-reality view of the area. Allowing travelers to see where they're going before ever leaving their homes.

Tourists looking for directions through Beacon may be in for a surprise the next time they use Google Maps. It turns out that one driver was having a particularly bad day when the Street View truck paid their last visit to Main Street.

If you click Street View heading south on Main Street approaching the Key Foods, you'll see a dark red Honda approaching from the opposite lane. As you click forward and the Honda gets closer you can see that the driver is extending his arm out of the window to give the middle finger.

It's not clear if the finger is directed towards another driver, or if the Honda owner was flipping the bird for the benefit of Google's camera. Either way, the gesture was perfectly captured by the Street View truck.

Google Maps
Google Maps

The driver's face is hidden in all of the photos, and the car's license plate is also blurred out, as per Google's privacy policy. All we do know is that according to Google, the image was taken in August of 2018. While we may never learn the true identity of this naughty driver, you certainly have to admire their perfect timing.

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