One-hundred-twenty New York priests have been "credibly accused" of sexual abuse, according to the Archdiocese of New York.

On Friday, the Archdiocese released a list of 120 clergy members in the region who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor or possessing child pornography, or who were the subject of a claim made to the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program that was deemed eligible for compensation.

"After hearing from many of you, including many victim-survivors, I have decided to publish a comprehensive list of all archdiocesan clergy found credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor," Cardinal Timothy Dolan said on Twitter after the list was released.

For the list, “credibly accused” means archdiocesan officials determined, following a review of available and accessible files, that one or more of the following exists:

  • The Archdiocesan Review Board found the allegation to be credible and substantiated;
  • The accused was laicized or permanently removed from ministry as a result of the allegation;
  • The accused admitted the allegation;
  • The accused was convicted of a crime in connection with the allegation; or
  • There was a civil settlement as a result of the allegation prior to the creation of the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program.

The list spans decades, with most of the alleged abuse occurring in the 1970s and 1980s. Most on the list are dead. None on the list are currently in ministry, according to Cardinal Dolan.

"I write today as someone who himself realizes the shame that has come upon our Church due to the sexual abuse of minors. I write to ask forgiveness again for the failings of those clergy and bishops who should have provided for the safety of our young people but instead betrayed the trust placed in them by God and by the faithful," Cardinal Dolan said in a statement.  

This list includes only archdiocesan clergy, which consists of bishops, priests, and deacons who were incardinated in the Archdiocese of New York.  It does not include priests belonging to religious orders or institutes.

The list doesn't include the assignment histories of the priests or the number of victims. You can read the full list of names HERE

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