HELP! I Have Poison Ivy
Any suggestions on how to treat it?
In today's world I understand that most times when we come down with a cold or in my case a run in with a crazy strain of poison ivy, we usually just type in our issue into Google and check out the search results to try and cure whatever is wrong.
I've done it a million times for just about every problem I've had in the last ten years or so BUT for some reason when I searched for "how to treat poison ivy" every result I clicked on and tried out has actually made it worse.
With that in mind, I thought to myself, "why not ask if anyone listening or reading has any suggestions that might help me out."
So here I am asking, do you have any secret home remedy or trick that I could use to help deal with it? I've used cortisone cream on it and as you can see I'm lathered up in calamine lotion and it doesn't seem to stop it from spreading.
It started as just one little patch and now its taking over my leg and started on the other leg as well, so if you have a tip that you can share with me, like do I put some kinda animal urine on it, do I cover it up with a bandage? GOD I NEED HELP!!! LOL!
If you have an old family recipe to get this stuff to stop itching and spreading PLEASE call or text us through the Wolf mobile app.
If your suggestion works, I will be indebted to you for LIFE! I have also promised myself that next time I need to "go", I will hold it until I can find a bathroom instead of running off into the woods like a moron! LOL.
Hudson Valley Flowers
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