Artistic ‘Mini Movement’ in Rosendale Aims to Make the World A Better Place
Having been a true artist his entire life, it is no surprise that an Ulster County resident jumped at the opportunity to share art and bring out creativity, well, in a quite creative way.
Dagen Julty of Rosendale has a unique background when it comes to art and creative design. He has taught music, is involved with modern clowning, and was even part of the Circle Arts New York City initiative back in the 80's; think Andy Warhol inspired arts movement, 15 minutes of fame, empowering normal people to be creative.
Fast forward to present day, and Dagen has developed a fun way to brighten our world and provide a free service to the creative community.
Dagen has teamed up with a local business-owner in Rosendale to offer storefront windows for local artists to showcase their work in downtown Rosendale. The idea is to make the world more colorful and provide an outlet for all types of creativity, seeing that artists of all levels need exposure, and this particular arrangement certainly allows for both
Beginning in July 2021, the storefront windows located at 92 Main Street in Rosendale, at a soon to be new technology business, have been filled with all sorts of creative displays. Local artists are able to use the windows, at no cost, to display their work for a three week duration. Each artist is able to take the time they need to design and 'install' their work. When it's time for the displays to be switched out at the end of the three weeks, Dagen helps to coordinate the current artists breaking down in the morning, and by that same night, the window displays are being filled by the new artists and their work.
Each artist is able to post information about their work when their display is featured, including contact information should someone show interest in perhaps purchasing a piece. It definitely helps local artists get exposure, Dagen shared.
I'm so pleased with how many locals are into it, and how it brightens the world. Rosendale is so unique, this is just adding to it. The question now is, what would homemade crafty art look like beyond Rosendale?
That, I guess you can say, is the current question, where does it go beyond Rosendale? The next steps for Dagen are to explore the possibilities to spread artistic creativity displays outside of Rosendale, and see if other local business owners would be willing to invite local artists to display their work.
If you are an artist who is interested in showcasing your work, you can reach out to Dagen directly at 845.633.2060.