It has to be those blue eyes. Or maybe it's the voice. There has even been lists made about why he should be the next Bachelor! Whatever it is I, and I'm sure many others, have a huge crush on Brett Eldredge. Listen careful ladies, Brett is spilling the beans about what he looks for in a woman.

You can take notes, but it's very simple. Brett is looking for someone who is spontaneous. In recent interviews, while preparing for Darius Ruckers "Southern Style Tour," Brett says:

"Lets hop on a plane and get away from it all. I love a girl that's game to do anything like that. I just like to mix it up and I like somebody that's spontaneous."


I have my passport and luggage ready, Brett! Literally, he could take me to the deli down the street and I would be in love with him. So there you go ladies! Be spontaneous and catch Brett Eldredge's attention. While you brainstorm about your spontaneous dates with Brett,  watch his latest video for "Lose My Mind."

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